Benjamin Moffitt creates vibrant pop art to increase introspection, communication and… endorphins! Benjamin is an American artist based in South Korea. Born in 1983, Benjamin’s artwork is a byproduct of the popular culture he absorbed during the 80’s and 90’s. Benjamin is a self-taught painter and cartoonist. He also produces plastic abstract works with LEGO and takes photographs with LO-FI digital cameras from the late 90’s. Through these mediums, Benjamin makes art to encourage us to reflect on our modern lives.
벤자민 모핏 (Benjamin Moffitt)는 생생한 팝 아트를 만들어 성찰, 소통, 엔돌핀을 증가시킵니다! 벤자민은 한국에 거주하는 미국인 아티스트입니다. 1983년생인 벤자민의 작품은 80~90년대 그가 흡수한 대중문화의 결과물이며 독학으로 일어선 화가이자 만화가입니다. 또한 그는 레고로 조형 추상 작품을 제작하고 90년대 후반부터 LO-FI 디지털 카메라로 사진을 찍었습니다. 이러한 매체를 통해 벤자민은 우리가 현대 생활을 성찰하도록 격려하는 예술을 만듭니다.
2024 - Hechyeomoyeo 6, Gallery KNOV, Seoul, South Korea
2023 - Broken Hearts, Daejeon Artist House, Daejeon, South Korea
2023 - Cheer Up, The Daejeon Arts Collective Fall Show, Daejeon, South Korea
2023 - Freckles, Dean Brown Coffee & Hotel Obje Cafe, Daejeon, South Korea
2023 - Payphones, The Daejeon Arts Collective Spring Show, Daejeon, South Korea
2022 - My Head Is In The Clouds, Conveyor Cafe, Daejeon, South Korea
2021 - Birds, Different Days Cafe, Busan, South Korea
2021 - 박캉스, Collast Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2020 - Things You See When You Stop, Omae Space Gallery, Seoul, South Korea